Find local maple syrup orchards and sugarworks here!

Looking for local maple syrup orchards and sugarworks in Québec, Canada?  There are also listings for every other state, tours, festivals, syrup making demonstrations, history, facts, related events and fun!" Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Québec, Canada, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know!  

Updates for March 2025

March Areas with commercial maple syrup production - The new sapping season starts in late winter; typically from mid-March to mid-April in most maple-syrup producing areas, when temperatures are below freezing at night and above freezing during the day. Tours usually begin in early Spring! That's a great time to visit a maple sugar orchard or sugarworks and see a sugaring demonstration; watch them make maple syrup!

Where are Maple Syrup farms/orchards/sugarworks, etc.? Well, they're not in Hawaii or Florida, for sure. They are concentrated in the northeast and upper midwest in the US and the eastern half of Canada, even though maple trees do grow in the northwest. That's why the areas below (in states outside of the Northeast and Midwest) have no listings! Although, there is research to develop trees that can produce sap/syrup in warmed climates.

Maple Syrup listings, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map





  • Village Québécois d'Antan -
  • L'Invernois Inc -


  • Le Bistreau d'érable - Économusée in the Making Musem -


Eastern Townships

  • Érablière Bernard -
    Eastern Townships
  • Au Bec Sucré -
    Eastern Townships
  • La Cabane chez Arthur -
    Eastern Townships




Laurentides (western Montreal suburbs)

  • Bistro la dent sucrée cabane à sucre -
  • Cabane à sucre Eau Tronc Sucré -
  • Érablière A. Grégoire -
  • Érablière des ponts couverts -
  • L'Érablière du sanglier -
  • La vieille cabane d'Amélie -
  • Domaine du Petit Saint-Joseph et Festin de Campagne -



  • Le Baluchon Éco-villégiature -
  • Sucrerie Boisvert et Fils - sugarworks
    11, Rivière-Bastican N.-E., Saint-Stanislas-de-Champlain, Québec, Canada, G0X 3E0. Phone: 418 328-3722.

Montérégie (eastern Montreal suburbs)

  • Au fin délice - Certified organic, blueberries, gift shop, maple syrup
    1106 ch. St-Henri, Très-Saint-Rédempteur, QC J0P 1P1. Phone: 450 459-4444. Open: see their website. Directions: 40 minutes west from Montréal. Blueberries and pure organic maple syrup. Our mission is to offer you a fine syrup that has developed all its maple flavor. In addition, our syrup is certified organic by Ecocert Canada. Our sugar bush just like our blueberry farm is located on the magnificent Chemin St-Henri in the charming municipality of Très-St-Rédempteur, less than an hour from Montreal. Our municipality is wooded and rural.  It has a pedestrian and equestrian path which crosses our property. We are surrounded by several ranches and inns; so you can enjoy nature again and again after stopping by with us. Our woodland has countless hundred-year-old trees, you will even see our American neighbors. Indeed, our property sits on the tip of Mount Oscar, part of Mount Rigaud.
  • Domaine des Hautes Sentiers - Maple syrups
    2340 Brooks Road, Franklin Centre, QC J0S 1E0. Phone: 450-827-1165. Directions: Just east of the village of Franklin Centre on Route 202 and up the steep hill from the cemetery. We are open July, August, September, October, November. Our hours are: Groups by reservation. Lodi and Vista Bella last week of July; Jersey Mac and Paula Red mid-August; Macintosh and Cortland in September; and Spartan and Empire in October. Juice apples and ice cider wine apples in November and December. Hiking trails, photography workshops, panoramic view of Montreal and the Chateauguay Valley, maple syrup in the spring, cross country skiing in the winter, firewood for sale, hay wagon rides and press your own fresh apple cider. NOTE: The farm has new owners, so hours may change!
  • Érablière au palais sucré -
  • Érablière l'Autre Versan -
  • Le Potager Mont-Rouge Halte Gourmande - apples, eggplant, peppers, pumpkins, strawberries, tomatoes, Honey from hives on the farm, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area (bring your own food), jumping pillow, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours, group reservations
    154 Rang De La Montagne, Rougemont, QC J0L1M0. Phone: (450) 947-6663. Email: Open: 7 days a week, from 8am to 6pm; mid - June to mid - November. Directions: Highway 20, exit 115 St-Hilaire, follow bleu touristic signs Vergers de Rougemont. Highway 10, exit 29 Richelieu, turn right on chemin des patriotes, turn right on highway 112, turn left on Chemin Marieville (15min) , turn left on rang de la Montagne. Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries: mid-June to mid-July Tomatoes: mid-August to mid-October Eggplants: mid-August to September Basil: mid-August to September Peppers: September to October Pumpkins: mid-September to October. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 01, 2017)
  • Verger Blair Orchard - apples, hayrides, maple syrup
    1421 Road 202, Franklin Centre, Quebec J0S 1E0. Phone: 450 827-2677. Email: Open: From the middle of August to November, 7 days a week; Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday: 9 am to 5 pm. Blair Orchards invites you to come pick apples, from a selection of 13 varieties. If you simply wish to take in the gorgeous scenery of our region, our hayride is just what you need; you will be able to relax and enjoy the autumn colors. Come pick the apples of your choice in our 45 acre orchards.  Their varieties of apples, pears and typical U pick dates are: Jersey Mac August 15, Melba August 15, Paula Red August 24, Lobo September 4, McIntosh September 12, Spartan September 15, Empire September 25, Cortland September 25.  (ADDED: September 26, 2019, JBS)
  • Vergers Rockburn Orchards - apples, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, porta-potties are available, picnic area (bring your own food)
    2644, Route 202,, Hinchinbrooke, QC J0S 1E0. Phone: 450-827-2500. Email: Open: 7 days a week from 10 am to 5 pm, September 1 to October 31. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. (UPDATED: September 26, 2019, JBS) (ADDED: July 14, 2015)
  • Sucrerie de la Montagne -
  • Le Blairfindie -




  • Sucrerie du terroir -
  • Vergers Rockburn Orchards - Fancy maple syrup, Medium maple syrup, Premium maple syrup, Collectors bottles or sets, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, porta-potties are available, picnic area (bring your own food)
    2644, Route 202,, Hinchinbrooke, QC J0S 1E0. Phone: 450-827-2500. Open: 7 days a week from 10 am to 5 pm, September 1 to October 31. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED: July 14, 2015)
  • Le Potager Mont-Rouge Halte Gourmande - Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area (bring your own food), jumping pillow, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours, group reservations
    154 Rang De La Montagne, Rougemont, QC J0L1M0. Phone: (450) 947-6663. Email: Directions: Highway 20, exit 115 St-Hilaire, follow bleu touristic signs Vergers de Rougemont. Highway 10, exit 29 Richelieu, turn right on chemin des patriotes, turn right on highway 112, turn left on Chemin Marieville (15min) , turn left on rang de la Montagne. Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries: mid-June to mid-July Tomatoes: mid-August to mid-October Eggplants: mid-August to September Basil: mid-August to September Peppers: September to October Pumpkins: mid-September to October. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. . (ADDED: August 01, 2017)



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