Looking for local maple syrup orchards and sugarworks in Central New Hampshire?
There are also listings for every other state, tours, festivals, syrup making
demonstrations, history, facts, related events and fun!" Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Central New Hampshire, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
Updates for March 2025
- The new sapping season starts in late winter; typically from mid-March to mid-April in most maple-syrup producing areas, when temperatures are below freezing at night and above freezing during the day. Tours
usually begin in early Spring! That's a great time to visit a maple sugar orchard or sugarworks and see a sugaring demonstration; watch them make maple syrup!
Where are Maple Syrup farms/orchards/sugarworks, etc.? Well, they're not in Hawaii or Florida, for sure. They are concentrated in the northeast and upper midwest in the US and the eastern half of Canada, even though maple trees do grow in the northwest.
That's why the areas below (in states outside of the Northeast and Midwest) have no listings! Although, there is research to develop trees that can produce
sap/syrup in warmed climates.
Maple Syrup listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Belknap County
Just Maple at Green Acres Farm - Maple syrup, maple
candy, maple sugar, maple cream.
475 School Street, Tilton,
NH 03276. Phone: 520-2373
info@justmaple.com. Maple Weekend at Just Maple late March
every year: Sampling: Maple Candy, Maple Nuts, Maple Kettle
Corn, Maple Cotton Candy and much more. Tours: We will be giving
guided tours of the sugar house. You'll get a taste of the syrup
right from the evaporator as it is being boiled. See the Farm
Store with it's "fancy glass". And the Goat Barn will be open
for the kids! Treats: Our Family Tree Restaurant will be selling
French Toast and Monty Cristo sandwiches. "Rolling In The Dough"
will offer maple-leaf shaped cookies, maple cinnamon rolls and
maple doughnuts! Music. Open: see their website for exact dates
and hours. Free and open to the public. . (ADDED: April 11,
2012, from NH gov ag website)
Stone Mountain Farm - Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties, picnic area, school tours,
Honey from hives on the farm,
522 Laconia Road, Belmont, NH 03220. Phone: (603) 731-2493. Email:
Stonemountainapples@gmail.com. Open: Monday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm; Our season runs from August 1st to November 1st.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: July 02, 2020)
Merrimack County
Bean Hill Farm - Fancy maple syrup, Medium maple
200 Bean Hill Road, Northfield, NH 03276. Phone:
603-286-8319. Email:
econde@metrocast.net. Open: Call first. Directions: Exit 19
on I93, turn right, then left on Bean Hill Road.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Crow Valley Farm - Maple syrup, Choose and
cut Christmas trees, Precut Christmas trees,
1038 Hopkinton
Road, Hopkinton, NH 03229. Phone: 603-224-7520. Email:
hello@crowvalleyfarm.com. Open: We are sold out of trees for
the 2014 season; Happy Holidays and see you next year! Crow
Valley Farm, owned and operated by the Bockius Family in
Hopkinton, NH, offers Christmas trees and Maple Syrup. Stop by
our barn to purchase our 2014 maple syrup. For maple syrup, we
are open 7 days per week, 9am-6pm. Payment: Cash and checks only
please. 2014 prices: Plastic Bottles Gallon: $55.00,1/2 Gallon:
$32.00, Quart: $19.00, Pint: $10.00, 1/2 Pint: $6.00, 3.4 oz.:
$3.25. Glass Bottles 1 liter jug: $25.00, 500 ml jug: $14.00.
(UPDATED: November 26, 2016, JBS)
Heathfield Farm - Medium maple syrup, Dark amber
maple syrup, Honey from hives on the farm, Maple Syrup from
trees on the farm, Fresh eggs, picnic area
148 Corn Hill
Road, Boscawen, NH 03303. Phone: 603-796-6040. Email:
heathfieldfarmnh@gmail.com. Open: Thursday and Friday 11 am
to 6 Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 5. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Pustizzi Fruit Farm - Medium maple syrup, Dark amber
maple syrup, maple candies, tours, Maple Syrup from trees on the
148 Cornhill Road, Boscawen, NH 03303. Phone: 603
796-6040. Email:
joe@pustizzifruitfarm.com. Open: Please see our website for
this seasons hours and events. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards.
Running Fox Farm - Uses natural
growing practices, Premium maple syrup, Collectors
bottles or sets, Organic maple syrup, maple candies, maple
butter, gift shop, picnic area, school tours
576 Northwest
Road Route 132, Canterbury, NH 03224. Phone: 603-708-1066.
runningfoxnh@aol.com. Open: We are open mid - April through
Christmas; Our hours are Saturday 10am to 3pm and Sundays 10am
to 2pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Organically grown
produce and fruits from July-September;. We use natural
practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash,
Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. .
Stoneridge Farm - Certified Organic
Maple syrup
330 Cressy Road, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone:
603-938-6186. Fax: 938-6186. Email:
dougtroy@mcttelecom.com. Open: Pick-up times: Wednesday
10-12, Friday 1-4, Saturday 10-12. ADDED: April 11, 2012, from
NH gov ag website)